We as Caynax do not collect, proccess or submit any personal information. As you remove application from your device you also delete all information that was provided inside app. Application uses the service: - Firebase Analytics - application uses Firebase Analytics to anonymously track and report the user's activity within application (https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy) - Google Analytics - application uses Google Analytics to anonymously track and report the user's activity within application (https://policies.google.com/privacy) - Google Drive API for Android - https://policies.google.com/privacy Permissions: - READ_PHONE_STATE - to detect incoming phone call and snooze alarm. This permission does not grant access to contacts or making phone calls. - RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - to set up alarms after phone start. - ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, INTERNET - checking for new app version, Firebase Analytics, Google Drive. - WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE/READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - backup/restore settings, play ringtones located on external memory - user has to grant such permission. - WAKE_LOCK - to wake device and show alert window on time. - VIBRATE - vibrate during alarm. - ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION - optionally used on Android 6+ devices to calculate sunrise/sunset time for current location. User has to grant application that permission. Otherwise application does not have access to GPS data. This permission gives approximate location position based on cellular networks - not by GPS satellites. - DRAW ON TOP OF OTHER APPS - needed on Android 10 to show alarm view when alarm starts. Otherwise you will see only alarm notification.