Data provided by user within application (like: user name, sex or birth date) is used only within app - it is not sent anywhere or shared with anyone. That is we as Caynax do not collect, proccess or submit any personal information. As you remove application from your device you also delete all information that was provided inside app. Application uses the service: - AdMob/Google banner ads - ( - AppLovin ads - ( - Facebook ads - ( - Firebase Analytics - application uses Firebase Analytics to anonymously track and report the user's activity within application ( - Google Analytics - application uses Google Analytics to anonymously track and report the user's activity within application ( Google Advertising ID or other unique identifier might be used by ad networks to collect anonymous traffic data and serve personalized ads. Permissions: - RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - to start reminder service after phone start. - ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, INTERNET - ads, checking for new app version, Google Analytics, Firebase Analytics.